Marsha's Minutes
Minutes from the 25 Year Reunion
28, 1992
The 25th Reunion of the Circleville High School class of 1967 was called to
order by President Mike Woodward. Of the 186 members of the class, 140
were in attendance, along with their spouses. Because of the huge turnout,
it is a good thing that we decided to have our reunion right here in the old
gymnasium of the old high school, better known as The Pit, bringing back many
happy memories of passing notes, flying paper airplanes and throwing a variety
of things, as well as taking much needed naps!
After Mr. Sargent made the announcements for the evening, and attendance was
taken, we enjoyed a dinner prepared by the cafeteria staff, consisting of sloppy
joe, green beans, stewed tomatoes, peach half and milk.
President Mike Woodward called the meeting to order. He asked past
secretary Marsha Brobst to read the minutes from our 20th Reunion, but she had
forgotten to take any minutes, citing the fact that nothing noteworthy had
happened at that
Mike then asked Sue Johnson for a Treasurer's report. Ten minutes later,
when Sue had stopped laughing, she simply stated that there wasn't very much in
the treasury.
Business: Old and New
Gary Leasure gave a presentation on the plans he had made for our 30th reunion
and he wanted to go ahead and appoint committees for our 35th reunion to be held
in 2002.
Dan Warner posed the question of whether or not "life as we know it"
would exist in 2002, after all computers crash and our society reverts back to
the Stone Age with the dawn of the new millennium.
Stonerock moved that we proceed with our plans since the Stones were okay back
in the 60's, so they will be okay in 2002! Motion passed unanimously. Gary
Leasure was nominated to head up the committees, and he again graciously
accepted. In keeping with our tradition of charging the same amount as the
year of the reunion, the cost per person on the 30th reunion will be
Mr. Wally Higgins gave a brief presentation on the history of Circleville High
School, which received a standing ovation by both classmates who were still in
the room when he finished.
the rest of the classmates were rounded back up, nominations were taken for King
and Queen of the Reunion.
Nominations for King included: John Wills, Joe Winner, Mike Cox, Chuck
Stevens, Tim Stonerock, Deward Shaffer, Brad Marshall and Hank Walters.
Nominations for Queen included: Anne Spicer, Shirley Thomas, Linda Conrad,
Jill Congrove, Leanna Brevard, Ann Joyce and Elaine Gibbs.
After voting, Mike Cox and Shirley Thomas won the most votes, but they refused
to serve, citing that they had dated in high school and they could never get
along as King and Queen. John "Fat Rat" Wills and Leanna Brevard
were then crowned as first runners-up.
the coronation, a number of bands, including Tim Stonerock and his band and
Terry Hull and The Princetons, entertained us for the rest of the evening as we
rocked and rolled until we realized we weren't kids anymore and collapsed.
Just before we passed out from exhaustion, Carol Spangler moved that we adjourn.
Motion passed unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Brobst Adkins
Marsha's Minutes from the
30 Year Reunion
October 21, 1997
The Circleville High School class of 1967 30 year reunion was called
to order by President Mike Woodward, who quipped "These Reunions are so
special to me that I wouldn't miss one for the world!" This emotional
and poignant declaration took the crowd by surprise, as snickers and cat-calls
built to a deafening crescendo. Mike then asked for a moment of silence,
but no one heard him.
Order was finally restored, and Mike asked past secretary Marsha Brobst Adkins
to read the minutes from our 25th Reunion, which she did. No one could
actually remember that reunion, so the minutes were approved as read.
Sue Johnson Schiff gave the Treasurer's report, and as usual, it was pretty
dismal. Sue stated that there was very little money left in our class
account, but she did mention that she had retired from teaching 15 years ago and
had been traveling extensively since then, mostly to South Bloomfield,
Williamsport and periodically as far away as Hillsboro.. This secretary
noted that Sue looked tan
and fit from her travels. Sue also mentioned that she planned to invest
the remaining balance in our class account in a new energy company called Enron,
based in Texas, and that she planned to hire Arthur Anderson, a prominent
auditing firm, to assist her in keeping our books.
Old business:
President Woodward asked if there was any old business to discuss, but there was
New business:
Mike asked if there was any interest in having a 35th Reunion, and there was an
overwhelming response to the affirmative. Shirley Thomas was appointed to
be the Chairperson to head up the planning, but Shirley stated that it would be
difficult to plan a reunion that would equal the magnificence and grandeur of
this 30th reunion, but she would give it a shot.
The high point of the evening was in opening the "Time Capsule",
enclosed in an empty Stroh's pony keg, that had been planted at the 50 yard line
of the Circleville High School football field, in the cover of darkness, on the
eve of our graduation 30 years ago. The following items were removed
from the capsule:
Our Predictions of the Future:
1. The USA would win a resounding victory over the Communist
menace in
South Vietnam, and eventually wipe out Communism altogether,
for the Berlin wall, which will stand forever.
2. President Lyndon Johnson would be defeated by past vice
Richard Nixon, who would then successfully lobby Congress to
the current law on term limits for Presidents. Nixon
would win 4
consecutive terms, and then appoint himself King.
3. The Big 3 automakers, Ford, GM and Chrysler, would
successfully lobby
Congress to impose import restrictions on new import auto
Datsun, Toyota and Volkswagen, closing the doors permanently
on these
inferior cars.
4. NASA would take the space program to new heights,
initiating the place-
ment of rocket launch pads in amusement parks all over the
country. The
$45.00 charge to ride a rocket includes temporary use of the
"one size fits
all" space suit, being propelled 5 miles into space and
experiencing mind-
frying G-forces and then being pulled from the nearest body
of water by
the rescue pick up team, provided by the US Coast Guard.
5. Telephone companies all over the country would eliminate
"party lines",
replace the rotary dial with buttons for quicker connections,
and would try
making phones small enough to be carried in one's pocket.
This last idea
would fail miserably due to the number of buttons which
replaced the
rotary dial (36 small buttons, 1 for each letter in the
alphabet plus 1 for
each number, 1 thru 0) and the fact
that the cord kept getting tangled
around people's legs.
6. Our vision of the future includes the following high tech
Movies that could be rented and
watched at home, with the aid of
rental reel
to reel movie projectors
Computing machines the size of a
bathtub which would replace
slide rules, record players (for both 45 and 33
1/3), movie
projectors and telephones.
Air conditioning and automatic
transmissions will become standard
on most cars,
as well as radios with FM and windows that go
down with the
push of a button.
Telephones that will fit in the palm
of your hand, but again the
involving the cord comes into play again.
Televisions will become larger and
larger and will not only be in
color instead
of black and white, but also 3 dimensional.
7. World peace will be achieved in the year 1977, 1984, 1993,
twice in 1998,
and again in 2002.
8. The Dow Jones Industrial Average will reach new heights of
2,500 points.
There will be talk of another stock index for smaller
companies but nothing
will come of it.
9. The use of universal money cards to buy things at
most places all over
the world will become popular, although these cards become
cumbersome due to the necessity of buying them in various
denominations ($1, $5, $10, $25, etc.)
10. After a successful singing career, spanning 2 decades,
Janice Joplin will
become the first woman president. For her
vice-president, she will
choose fellow Texan and political unknown, George Bush.
11. Elvis Presley retired from singing and acting in 1977, and
turned his
attention to opening a fitness ranch in Memphis.
12. Although having moderate success in the 1960's, British
bands will
fall by the wayside in the American rock and roll scene.
Former Rolling
Stone lead singer, Mick Jagger, will start a line of men's
fashions and
ultimately go into partnership with Elvis Presley in his
fitness ranch,
opening branches in England.
13. The Beatles singing group will stay together as a band
until they all retire
from singing in the year 2013, achieving their goal of
singing as a group
together for 50 years. They did find, however, that
rock and roll did not
suit them too well, so they changed their style to folk
music, effectively
and successfully imitating Peter, Paul and Mary.
1. Most likely to become a lifer military man and retire as an
officer: Mike Cox
2. Most like to go "blond" and get contact lenses:
Carol Spangler
3. Most likely to keep his full head of hair: Bill
4. Most likely to lose his full head of hair: Scott
5. High school classmate sweethearts most likely to marry and
stay together:
Tie: Tom Fletcher and Elaine
Gibbs and Linda Calvert and Jr. Preast
6. Most likely to work with the government on top secret
projects and
homeland security (whatever that
is....): Mary Anne Yates
7. Most likely to put several large, well established
companies out of
business: Marsha Brobst
(Buckeye Mart, K-Mart, Shoe Corporations of America, Gold
After our predictions were read, and notations made regarding how close we came
to being correct, the balance of the evening was spent dancing to the old tunes
and chatting with old friends.
Mike Woodward asked for a motion to adjourn, which he got from Joe Winner,
seconded by Susie Bennett. The motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Brobst Adkins
(....Because it had to be done....)
#10. Come to this one while you can still remember your classmates names.
#9. Come to this one while you can still remember your own name!
#8. Chances are good that you look better than at least one of your classmates.
#7. When was the last time you had fun three days in a row?
#6. Because it won't be a party without YOU!
#5. Because you can share the "good old days" with people who will actually know what you're talking about!
#4. You won't have to lie about your age.
#3. Someone will tell you that you look great!
#2. Because you won't be any prettier at the 40th.
And the #1 Reason to attend your 35th High School Reunion is.........
#1. So you can hear Marsha Brobst Adkins' impersonation of Miss Adkinson!
It's been a long time since the last reunion, so here's a little refresher course on
"Reunion Etiquette"!
Top 10 things NOT to do at
Your High School Class Reunion!
. . . . . . . . . . .Are you ready for these????
#10.Don't bring your kids or grandkids.
#9. Don't show up on the wrong day.
#8. Don't get into a fist fight.
#7. Don't elbow your way through the buffet line.
#6. Don't leave to check your e-mail.
#5. Don't fall asleep.
#4. Don't show everyone your scars.
#3. Don't try to sell stuff, even if you are a salesperson.
#2. Don't bum money off of people.
And the #1 thing NOT to do at your 35th High School
#1. Don't take out your teeth.
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